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Selama bertahun-tahun lamanya, perusahaan kami telah berhasil menjalin hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan banyak pabrik dan pemasok kelas dunia baik di Asia, Eropa & Amerika. Mereka, antara lain, adalah SITEP, SAAB OY, IXBLUE, SAURA, Lilley and Gilley Ltd, Sperry Marine, Marine Data (UK) dan lain-lainnya. Di samping itu, kami tidak[…]

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Over the years, our company has been establishing a good long business relationship with many world-class manufactures and suppliers in Asia, Europe & USA. They include SITEP, SAAB OY, IXBLUE, SAURA, Lilley and Gilley Ltd, Sperry Marine, Marine Data (UK) and more. Needless to say, we also welcome new brands[…]

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Segenap tenaga ahli dan teknisi PT Alto Sepakat Utama telah berpengalaman dan terlatih dengan baik. Mereka berijasah sekurang-kurangnya diploma-3 ke atas di bidang Elektronik dan Navigasi Kapal Laut. Dari waktu ke waktu mereka menghadiri fasilitas-fasilitas pelatihan teknis, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Kami pastikan bahwa mereka akan selalu[…]

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PT Alto Sepakat Utama’s engineers are all experienced and well trained. They are qualified with diploma or above in Marine Electronics and Navigation. From time to time, they attend technical training facilities, be it within the country or overseas. We ensure that they will always be able to keep up[…]

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Berikut adalah produk-produk & peralatan yang kami sediakan: Magnetic Compass Gyro Compass / INS Gyro ARPA Radar and small radar ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information System) GPS Echo Sounder and Fish-finder Wind / Speed / Depth Instruments Doppler log / EM log AIS (Automatic Identification System) Navigation Data Distribution[…]

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The followings are among items we provide: Magnetic Compass Gyro Compass / INS Gyro ARPA Radar and small radar ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information System) GPS Echo Sounder and Fish-finder Wind / Speed / Depth Instruments Doppler log / EM log AIS (Automatic Identification System) Navigation Data Distribution Unit[…]

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PT Alto Sepakat Utama berdiri sejak 1987, bergerak di bidang penualan barang dan jasa serta instalasi peralatan navigasi dan elektronik untuk industri kapal laut. Misi dan tujuan kami adalah menyediakan layanan jasa yang terpercaya, efisien dan cepat agar dapat memenuhi permintaan dunia industri kapal laut dan demi kepuasan pelanggan. Kami[…]

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PT Alto Sepakat Utama started in 1987, engaged in sales, services and installation of marine electronics and navigation equipment to the shipping industry. Our mission and objectives are to provide the most reliable, efficient, and fast services in order to meet the shipping industry requirements and to our customer satisfaction.[…]

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